It was almost time for us to leave Kibera and debrief before traveling back to the US. I was really bothered by the fact that I have yet to cry during our stay in Kibera. My God has blessed me with extra dose of emotions so I was confused by the fact that I cried watching infomercial about poverty, but when I finally faced it I was numb to it. On the way to the Nakumat (grocery store) I shared my burden with my amazing leader. I shared with her that prior to the trip I have been praying that God would allow me to feel what people living in poverty feel. Her response was this…”Don’t you think God answered your prayers? You feel numb to the surroundings because that is how people of Kibera feel. If they allowed the true feelings to come out, people of this slum would be swimming in their own tears.” Good point, I never thought of it that way.
Before the end of our stay in Kibera I shed my first tears. Several days before the departure, we decided to have unscheduled crusade in the yard near our house. We would do the usually drama, songs and a lesson. One of our leaders approached me and asked if I would be interested in teaching that evening. I was certain that during the trip God called me just to love on children as He planned for someone else to teach. But I agreed and went back to the room to prepare the lesson.
I knew what God wanted me to share and oh boy did the Holy Spirit came over me when I shared with small children gathered around the court yard. I shared with the kids Revelation 21:4, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” For a split second I felt the burden of the small children living in such poverty that is beyond my comprehension. As tears rolled down my face as I held on to the promises of one Mighty God that I serve. I absolutely love what Ps 56:8 say,” You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book”. Are you in awe of how amazing our God is? I am!!! God loves and cares for His children and can use you and me to share His love with others.
I just love reading your journey!!