Before coming to Kenya, I thought that God would use us to minister to hundreds of people and they will all come to know Him. That was not the case when we actually arrived to Owasso. Almost every evening we would have crusades in the middle of the village. We would sing songs, perform drama and then a group memeber would share God’s Word through a translator. People would gather and watch, but very few took the opportunity when invitation was given. I recall guys in my group praying for a man who was suffering from back ache. Boys prayed over the man and the next day this elderly man came to our camp to share with us that his pain was gone. Some girls in our group ministered to older women, while the rest of us loved unconditionally on local children.
God reminded me of His love for people of Owasso, when He placed Bible verse (1Cor 3:6) on my heart “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow”. You see, before picking up the harvest someone first must plant it. God was using us to plow the acre and plant the seeds. Next year when a group of students come, God perhaps would use them to water the seeds. And in His time He will make the seeds grow. Sometimes as Christians we get disappointed when we do not see the fruits of our labor right then right there. When we are witnessing to someone and they reject, we feel discouraged. But during this trip, God reassured that it is just as important to plant a seed as it is to pick up the harvest.
Planting a seed can be through our actions and not necessary through our words and one evening the Lord reminding me just of that. Ever so often we would have a Bible study where our leaders would pour their hearts in sharing God’s Word with our group. Sometimes older local kids would come and join our Bible study. That night it was very cool outside and I put on a sweatshirt over my short sleeved shirt. I am cold natured and my co-workers would agree with me. I have a heater at my desk on during the winter months and summer months. I am miserable, when I am cold. Our group leader began to teach and I couldn’t help but notice a local boy who was seating next to me shivering. I started to pray, “God, would you please warm him up. He is very cold…please!” The boy kept on shaking and then I began to pray differently, “Lord, you know I am miserable, when I am cold. Would you warm me up?” I took my sweatshirt off and offered it to the boy, who gladly accepted it. And this when my God showed up and showed out. During the next 20 minutes of the Bible study, gentle and warm breeze would touch my skin softly as I listened to my leader. This gentle and warm breeze was so familiar, because I have felt it the first time I encountered God’s presence during high school years. God kept me warm, so the stranger could see through my actions’ God’s warm and carrying love for him. God gets all the glory, honor and praise!
To be continued…
Wonderful blog! So glad you visited me because now I can stop by here :)
ReplyDeleteYour journey is just amazing to read about...Thank you...I am so happy you are sharing...It reminds me of what I am so passionate about!! :-D