Thursday, August 5, 2010


This recipe is my absolute favorite and I have asked my mom numerous times to make it.

Let ½ c of raisins soak in water for 20 minutes and when the time is up drain them. This makes raisins soft and plump.

Crumble 2 packages of farmer’s cheese and add 1/4 c. of sugar.

Add raisins, 1 egg and  1/2 c. flour to the farmer’s cheese mixture and let your hands go to work mixing everything.

Form patties and gently dust the flour on each side of the patty.

Add olive oil to the hot frying pan and cook patties until each side is golden brown.

Yummy, healthy and very filling.

I eat curnuku for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My mama wanted to also let you know that you can dip curnuku in jelly or sour cream.


  1. Hey, I found your blog through Money Saving Mom's link to your site. You're doing a great job! :) What is farmers cheese?

  2. Wow, that looks super yummy and yes, what is farmers cheese?

  3. Glad I'm not the only one to ask---What is farmer's cheese? :-)

    As soon as I find out, I'm going to make this. It sounds delicous!

  4. Thank you for sharing about Farmer's Cheese, Oxana. I want to check the website you gave to see if I can buy it here where we are. The crunuku looks SO good! Thanks for sharing.
