Sunday, September 26, 2010
Lead Me to the Cross
I had one of those days… upset and tired of fighting God I felt hopeless.
“Will my parents ever come to know You, Lord? Will it take an act of Your army for my dad to stop drinking?” I asked God as I wiped away the tears. “Why is that when John next door asks you for something, you answer in a matter of minutes? And I have been praying for 10 years and you are still silent to my prayers?”
That day I felt so weary spiritually that I was certain that no one in the whole wide world understands the burden that I have for my parents. There are days that I feel the burden is so heavy, that the only comfort to my soul is when my knees hit the floor as I pour out my pain to the Lord.
I am so thankful that God continues to love me even when I question His intentions. He reminded me that He is not silent to my cry, when I glanced at my computer and noticed an e-mail from a church member. Ellen knows my burden for my parents and God spoke through her when she wrote:
“Your dad has been heavily on my heart today and I want you to know that I am praying for him”.
How did she know that I needed to hear that encouragement right then? Because I serve a Mighty God who knows everything and placed my dad on Ellen’s heart. In return she was obedient to lifting my dad up in prayer and blessing me when I needed the most through a word of encouragement.
That same day, I shared a prayer request with a small group of prayer warriors and received another comforting e-mail from Paula, whom I have never met. Her encouraging words were a comfort to my hurting soul. In addition to her kind words, she blessed me with several books via mail to help me never give up praying.
By others’ generosity, I was reminded that God hears my cry and will answer in His time and according to His will. He also reminded me that He can use me to be a comfort to others. When He places someone on my mind that not only should I pray, but also take my time to send a note of encouragement to that person. A kind word goes a long way….
Philippians 1:3, “I thank my God every time I remember you”.
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