Sunday, April 11, 2010
Lead Me to the Cross
I must confess to you that I really like my little green car, because it gets me from point A to point B without consuming gazillion gallons of fuel. But recently my little green car has started to give me trouble. In fact it was "kicking" the whole way to work as if it was a small child trying to protest his mommy going to work. Ok, you can make a confused face, because that what everyone else did when I tried to tell them that my car "kicks". Every single person looked at me as if I chose the wrong English word to describe the problem that my car was experiencing, but trust me if you were in my car, you too would feel the "kicking". As a result of my car’s bad behavior, my husband had to take it to a dealership to diagnose the problem.
Diagnosis revealed that air filter and some kind of wire (as you can tell I am not very savvy when it comes to cars) needed to be replaced in order for the "kicking" to stop. My husband made the decision to purchase all the needed parts and fix the problem himself. By the way, opting to fix my car at home instead of dealership saved us around $180 dollars! Woot Woot! Needless to say our wallet was happy, we as proud car owners were happy and so was the little green car! However, the story does not stop here.
Since it was getting dark outside when we came home from church, stopping and fixing the car some other time was not an option that day. Daniel was getting ready to go out of town for the weekend and neither of us wanted for my car to break down in the middle of the mountain with no cell phone reception. So, as my sweet husband was working on my car, I decided that it would be a good time to clean the house. As I was gathering my cleaning tools, the phone rang. It was my father in law returning Daniel’s call so I proceeded to make my way outside to hand the phone over to my husband.
I had two options of delivering the phone to Daniel. The first option was to walk all the way around the house and down to the basement. The second option was for Daniel to jump and catch the phone as I release it from my hands while standing on our porch. The latter option sounded better to both of us and so I bent down and stretched my arm out holding the cell phone as Daniel attempted to jump and grab the phone. Well, attempt number one was unsuccessful because I did not release the phone at all. Attempt number two was worst than attempt number one. As Daniel jumped to catch the phone I released it at the wrong time, which caused the phone to hit the ground pretty hard. I knew the reason our phone suffered unpleasant fall, because I did not trust that Daniel would catch the phone.
Thankfully the fall was recoverable since Daniel was able to carry on a conversation with his dad using our phone. I, in a mean time, went back to the house to continue my cleaning. The thoughts of the phone crash were running through my mind and the Lord reminded me right then right there that just like I did not trust Daniel with catching the phone that experienced unpleasant fall, many times I do not trust God with taking care of my problems, which results in everything tumbling down around me. Sure, often I audibly let go and tell God that He has full control over the situation just to find myself the next day still holding on tightly to the problem trying to control every aspect of the desired outcome. You know why? It is because I never really gave it all to God’s control in the first place. God cares, hears and answers! I love what Psalm 116:1-2 say, "I love the LORD, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned His ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live". He wants you to trust Him and let Him take care of anything and everything that is of a concern to you. Why you ask? Because He loves you!!! I love what the Word of God says in Matt: 11:28-30, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Before the described yoke becomes easy, we must become part of God’s family and yield to His sovereign will for our lives. I absolutely love being a part of God’s family and find comfort in knowing that when I am stubborn and hold on to my problems, God’s stretched out hand is always there ready to take off the stress, worries and burdenS off my shoulders. My dear friend, God is stretching out His hand to you right now wanting to take away your burdens. Trust Him and as His Word promises, you will find rest in Him.
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